Thursday 8 September 2011

Example 2...


"dreams feel real while we're in them, its only till we wake up we realize it was actually strange."

I also really enjoyed watching the making of the corridor scene 

I liked this shot because i like the way the waves are going in slow motion and something like that is normal to us but because it is shot from a below shot it makes us feel like we are in the sea but we are waiting for something
to happen.

Then we are shown the person in the sea we are thinking of someone drowning.

Then we are shown children laying in slow motion and the sound of the children echos.

Then we are shown another man which is armed which send us the signal that he is power full or a leader, but first we are shown the sun as well so it almost makes us squint to see who it is.

This shot we are shown sub-titles which sends the audience a signal that it is in a foreign country.

I like this shot because i like the way how the whole of the background and for ground are out of focus except the spinning top which is then introduced as a main prop.

 I chose this as my 2nd example because from watching the film, i spotted a lot of good camera shots and so many special effects. I thought that throughout the movie there is a obvious change in mood and setting when they jump from the real world to the dream worlds.

To show how they have made the real world and the dream world different here i have chosen some screen grabs.

               on this first screen shot, this shows that the dream world is relating to the real world but obviously there is something out of the ordinary happening to the water on a flat table, i chose this to be a screen grab because i like the lighting in this shot because the light is almost like a spot light on the glass.

This screen grab is to show the other dream world which is somewhen no one has ever been to and i like the setting because they have clashed two things that just don't match the sea crashing against a city which automatically makes the audience think that it is completely unusual.

I chose this to be one of my screen grabs because i like the special effects used on this setting, everything looks like it matches the lighting and shadows, it almost looks like something real but it isn't.

A lift into another dream world.

I chose this to be one of my screen grabs because of the lighting and setting you can see the angry emotion on the actors (leonado di caprio's) face.

I chose this to be one of my screen grabs because i like the lighting which makes it look gloomy, as if something bad is going to happen, which makes the audience on edge as the charecters are unconscious while this is happening. 

Another example of a dream world which is being compared to the real world but with a twist the two characters sitting in what looks like is a normal cafe but in the background things are exploding which is very unusual, thats how the director made the audience aware it was a different setting.

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